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The 7 Universal Laws Of Personal Development

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Achille Wealth PhD
Brian Troxell
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Title Synopsis:

This audiobook reveals seven secret laws that have been closely guarded for centuries. BETTER THAN THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, when you master these 7 laws, you master your reality, no matter how bad the economy gets or how empty your bank balance is. Mastery of these 7 laws is the missing key to getting rid of all your struggles around money, good health, fulfilling relationships, energy, enthusiasm for life and unlimited abundance.

I had the privilege of knowing an exceptional master who taught me some of his secrets that lead us to discover the power of being and spirit. These are the laws that teach us to manifest our inner strength, to create in our universe whatever we wish. I'm talking about the almost magical ability to attract meaningful coincidences into our lives. And to make the things we desire appear in almost inexplicable ways.

Filled with timeless wisdom and practical steps you can apply immediately, this book draws on the latest research in the fields of REPETITION science, epigenetics, belief biology, neuroscience, psychology, hypnosis, behavioral conditioning, and quantum physics to demystify success and reprogram your brain to manifest abundance in every sphere of your life.

Author Bio: Achille Wealth is a bestselling author and speaker specializing in neuroscience, decision-making and continuous improvement. An entrepreneur, he is an expert in habit creation and personal development.

Author: Achille Wealth PhD

Narrator: Brian Troxell

Publisher: Achille Wealth PhD

Copyright: 2022 Achille Wealth PhD

Running Time: 02:06:34

ISBN: 9781959162407

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