Title Synopsis: On any given day, more people will be “wearing” Stan Herman than any other American fashion designer. In his 95th year that is just part of a life well-lived, and well-loved. In Uncross Your Legs: A Life in Fashion, Herman reflects on a remarkable life and career, from his childhood in Brooklyn, NY and Passaic, NJ, to WWII Army service in Europe, and back to NYC as a young freelance designer in the fashion hothouse of the Garment District. Next up, 16 years as head of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, where he was instrumental in bringing New York Fashion Week to Bryant Park – all the while continuing his thriving uniform and leisurewear design business. He is the most acclaimed uniform designer of our time as well as catnip on television’s QVC, having sold close to 900,000 items since 2017. His memoir is also a deeply moving and insightful. following personal triumphs and tragedies, including his nearly 40-year relationship with novelist Gene Horowitz, who suffered a heart attack and passed away in 1992. Together they lived their lives in the shadow of the AIDS crisis that decimated their personal and professional worlds. They also shared a beloved poodle named “Mozart,” who helped fill the void when Herman found himself suddenly alone. With equal aplomb, Herman writes with humor and compassion, caring about animal rights in the fashion industry – as well as encountering the indignities of one's aging anatomy. He invites us into his world and introduces us to many of America’s gifted fashion designers. Hear the story of the man whose vision, over 60 years, has dramatically helped forge and transform American style told in his own words and voice.
Bio: Stan Herman: He was born in Brooklyn, New York on September 17th, 1928, and grew up in Passaic, New Jersey. His father owned a number of silk shops that clearly made an impression. He attended the College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning at the University of Cincinnati and graduated in 1950. He went on to study at the Traphagen School of fashion located in the Garment District in New York City – one of the first fashion schools in the country (1883-1963). He graduated and went on to serve in the United States Army in Europe. After his service he moved back to New York. He lost one of his early jobs in fashion and worked as an actor on Broadway. He studied voice. He had a role in La Plume de Ma Tante (1958- - 1960) nominated for best Musical in 1958. He left show business to pursue fashion full time. Met his life partner Gene Horowitz when Stan was 24, their relationship lasted 39 years until Gene death in 1991. His first collection was reviewed by Woman’s Wear Daily – as an unqualified triumph. He became head designer for the ready to wear company Mr. Mort on Seventh Ave 1959. He began designing uniforms at the request of the president of Avis. He went on to design uniforms for Amtrak, Central Park Conservancy, Federal Express, Jet Blue, McDonald’s, TWA and many more. His memoir Uncross Your Legs: A life in Fashion (Pointed Leaf Press) was published in 2024. He continues his design career to this day.
Author: Stan Herman
Narrator: Stan Herman
Publisher: Pointed Leaf Press
Copyright: 2023 Stan Herman
Audiobook release: 1/15/2025
Original release pub date: Dec 16, 2023
Running Time: 05:54:12
Audio book ISBN: 9781965655245