Title Synopsis:
Humanity has ignored the most powerful tool in its possession. An instrument more powerful than anything we are capable of inventing. An instrument that has the power to create war between families and nations or bring about complete peace and harmony. This device is our mind. Our mind has greater depth than the ocean and it is capable of storing more apps than any smart device. Closing the Apps, written by Pandit Dasa, a former monk who now works as a contemporary meditation and mindfulness consultant and keynote speaker, takes us for a ride into our mind to understand how it has the potential to either help us live our best moral and ethical life or drag us down the road of anger, hopelessness and destruction. Closing the Apps provides numerous practical suggestions on how to implement simple, everyday, secular mindfulness practices for any situation, whether it’s interacting with our colleagues in a fast-paced, high stress environment or whether we are struggling to find that all-elusive work-life balance. Its down-to-earth and relevant messages are a refreshing and inspiring read for you, your family, your friends, and your colleagues.
Author Bio:
Pandit Dasa is a Mindful Leadership Expert, author and motivational keynote speaker. His inspirational speeches aim to create a more mindful workplace culture which increases productivity and improves retention. He encourages leadership and co-workers to appreciate and celebrate the success and contributions of others. This attitude fosters trust, enhances teamwork and greatly impacts employee performance. He emphasizes the importance of leading without ego and highlights the importance of cultivating self-awareness and personal growth and development. Pandit captures the audience's attention by sharing his journey on how and why he spent 15 years living as a monk in New York City, the incredible life and leadership lessons he learned from that experience and why he's no longer a monk. Pandit Dasa has spoken to many Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies. Some of the organizations he has spoken to are: Google, Citibank, IBM, State Farm, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Nationwide Insurance, SAP, Bank of America, AMC Theatres, Intel, WeWork, Royal Bank of Canada, AMC Networks, Novartis, Comcast, TD Ameritrade, JPMorgan Chase, The World Bank, World Government Summit, SHRM National Convention, Oracle HCM Convention and many others. For more information, visit www.panditdasa.com
Author: Pandit Dasa
Narrator: Abhay Ahluwalia
Publishers: Pandit Dasa
Copyright: 2022 Pandit Dasa
Running Time: 02:44:59
ISBN: 9781953598745