Title Synopsis:
Dr. Hamilton practices medicine in the small town of Sienna, Florida, where he dedicates himself to caring for the residents of his hometown. It’s a fictionalized yet accurate depiction of a solo practitioner's life in rural America, highlighting both the positives and the negatives of such a position. The novel is based on real clinicians who practiced in small towns. For those who wonder about the life of a physician, or just wish healthcare could be different in their town, this book provides an insightful read.
Author Bio:
Dr. Estrellita Howard Redmon, MD, MBA, FACP, was born in Tallahassee, Florida. By the age of twelve, she knew she wanted to be a doctor and at sixteen enrolled at Florida A&M University. She earned a Bachelor’s in Pharmacy, followed by a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Florida. She completed her Internal Medicine residency in Roanoke, Virginia, (now Virginia Tech Carilion) later returning to the University of Florida for a Master’s in Business Administration. Dr. Redmon is board certified in Internal Medicine and Health Care Quality Management as well as a fellow in the American College of Physicians. Her career includes over twenty-five years as a practicing physician and over twenty years as a physician executive. Currently, she is the Chief Clinical Officer for Ascension Florida & Gulf Coast. The health system operates ten hospitals and more than 200 care sites. Dr. Redmon is responsible for clinical performance across the continuum of care, including growth and development of systems of care. Dr. Redmon previously authored Victors Over Leukemia, which shares her story through the eyes of her son Victor, his family, and his friends. “Dr. E” enjoys traveling with her husband, Gregory, spending time with her children and grandchildren, writing, reading, and playing the piano.
Author: Dr. Estrellita Redmon MD, MBA, FACP
Narrator: Emily Cauldwell
Copyright: © 2022 by Estrellita H. Redmon, MD
Running Time: 3:47:05
ISBN: 9781959162094
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Written with purpose and power.
Only read if you want to be inspired and blessed.