Title Synopsis: Watching the evening news with her parents, Lolis is shocked to see the destruction caused by a hurricane in Puerto Rico.
Seeing houses, trees, and cars destroyed and seeing children crying as their parents try to comfort them, Lolis feels helpless.
But all it takes is one bag of grain and a determined spirit to inspire Lolis. Now she must take action and ask herself, What can I do to help?
Author Bio: In “Brave Lolis’s Box of Hope,” Armida hopes to encourage children to find their voice and manifest their strength and value to the world, knowing full well that we can all make a difference, regardless of age. Lolis comes to understand how what she thinks about can, in fact, influence what comes her way. Understanding that we are all here to do the best we can with what we have, the universe and all its magic can and will reveal its wonders if we are open to it.
Author: Armida Espinoza
Narrator: Ana Osorio
Publisher: Miriam Laundry Publishing
Copyright: 2023 Armida Espinoza
Audiobook Release Date: 11/19/2024
Running Time: 00:21:43
ISBN: 9781965655160