Title Synopsis:
Join Meg and her friends as they compete in a 10-day scavenger hunt across the state of Virginia. Each day starts with a clue sheet that reveals a series of outdoor adventures they have to complete to stay in the race. Their journey includes hiking to Devil’s Bathtub, sliding down a natural water slide in Shenandoah National Park, discovering shark teeth at Fossil Beach, and kayaking through the Great Dismal Swamp. The competition heats up when they encounter two bullies who try to throw them off their game. Along the way, Meg and her friends explore several regional treasures and visit the gravesites of all 7 U.S. presidents buried in Virginia. This is an adventure you don’t want to miss! www.virginiaisforadventurers.com
Author Bio:
Tara Fisher was inspired to share her love of Virginia with readers after traveling to nearly every corner of the state on an outdoor scavenger hunt for LOVE signs. Tara received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Virginia, and she lives in northern Virginia with her husband and three children.
Author: Tara Z. Fisher
Narrator: Nicole Britton
Publishers: Gatekeeper Press
Running Time: 05:49:19
ISBN : 9781953598714