Title Synopsis:
The Power of I AM: A Journey to Self is a motivational book designed to inspire readers to ignite their own power through self-love. The book shares personal stories from the author, detailing how low places can create room for higher ground. A person cannot transform, if one doesn't acknowledge their own significance nor learn from their mistakes. The Power of I AM: A Journey to Self, will arm readers with a deeper understanding of how success and peace cannot exist without unwavering confidence and power.
Author Bio:
Jasmine Mosley is a professional writer, aspiring to lift the world through storytelling. She is an author, business woman, philanthropist and aspiring global change maker, with a heart for service. Jasmine’s motto is “Wherever You Go. Wear Your Wings,” a mantra created to uplift and encourage people to live life unapologetically. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Clark Atlanta University and has professional journalism experience in entertainment, news and education. Jasmine is a proud native of Atlanta, GA.
Author: Jasmine Mosley
Narrator: Jasmine Mosley
Publishers: Book Baby
Copyright: 2021 Jasmine Mosley
Running Time: 02:53:25
ISBN: 9781953598790