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The Love Flu

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Zi Ye
COL Group
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Title Synopsis:


When illness strikes, is your "love" also sick? Urbanites with different emotional syndromes often fall into various emotional illnesses. The four main characters, two men and two women from different backgrounds, are critically ill patients of "loving too much," "unable to love," "impotent love," and "loving money."

Author Bio:


A renowned author and young screenwriter. Born in the land of rivers south of the Yangtze River, she likes to experiment with different writing styles, hoping her words can warm people's hearts. Her ancient style writing is fresh, light, and profound, while her modern style writing is as warm as spring, cute and playful. She touches heartstrings writing about the most ordinary things, with delicate emotions being her greatest strength. Even lost and regretful loves still shine with everlasting poignancy. Representative works: Unfortunately It's Not You, Love at First Sight, My Eye Affliction, My Wonderful Mr. Bai, and others.

Title: 三月情流感 The Love Flu

Author: 叶紫 Zi Ye

Narrator: 北京中文在线数字出版股份有限公司 COL Group

Publisher: 中文在线集团 COL Group

Running Time: 9.17 hr

ISBN: 9781962317078

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