Title Synopsis: Stop Engaging Employees provides heart-driven leaders with a constructive, contrarian, and practical approach to cultivating healthier workplace cultures. The book's six disciplines of humancentric leadership provide guideposts that every conscientious human can follow to support more satisfaction, fulfillment, self-actualization, and flourishing at work.
Author Bio: Eryc Eyl believes in a world in which work isn't just a four-letter word, but part of a path to greater satisfaction, fulfillment, self-actualization, and flourishing. He is a speaker, author, coach, consultant, and educator committed to making work more human. Eryc helps workplaces align their culture with strategic imperatives, and individuals integrate work with a meaningful, fun, and fulfilling life. His expertise comes from three decades of experience with organizations a wide variety of industries, as well as certifications in workplace culture, change management, and customer experience. Eryc is also a storyteller, playwright, and DJ who holds a Master's degree in education from the University of Colorado, and a Bachelor's degree in literature and film from Vassar College.
Author: Eryc Eyl
Narrator: Eryc Eyl
Publisher: Flourishing Books
Copyright: 2024 Eryc Eyl
Audiobook Release Date: 12/13/2024
Running Time: 05:35:20
ISBN: 9798988721826