Title Synopsis:
The winged messenger of the gods in an audio book!
Fourfuri Publications brings the story of Hermes, god of travelers, students and teachers, great trickster and messenger of the gods, in a unique audio book, giving the little children the opportunity to enjoy his adventures through a realistic narration.
Listen to the myth of Hermes and how he became the messenger of the gods, as well as his relationship with the other gods of Olympus. Perfect for children looking for additional stimuli that offer knowledge and entertainment beyond that of traditional reading.
Author Bio:
Nick Hatzopoulos was born in the late 1970s in Sudan. He lived and studied graphic design for seven years in the former USSR in the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Altay. He returned to Greece in 1995 and since then he has been involved in typography and publishing.
Author: Nick Hatzopoulos
Narrator: John Karamfilis
Publisher: Auvril Audiobooks
Running Time: 0:22:15
ISBN: 9786185488482