Title Synopsis:
Gypsy Soul: Memoirs of a Hippie Kid is a book based on my extremely unusual life as the child of hippies in rural Montana. I share memories of poverty, trauma and neglect while preserving the magic of growing up as a hippie kid. This book will have you laughing and crying because it is both hilarious and horrifying. With memories like "Swinger Party Turned Stepdad" and "The Cocaine Scavenger Hunt," you won't even believe the level of "hippie" I experienced.
Author Bio:
Gypsy Ray is a trauma therapist, but her entire career has been dedicated to helping people. She has been married 30 years to her high school sweetheart and has two incredible adult children. Gypsy enjoys everything sports and outdoors, especially fishing at their cabin on Georgetown Lake in Montana.
Author: Gypsy Soul Ray
Narrator: Gypsy Soul Ray
Copyright: 2023 Gypsy Soul Ray
Running Time: 01:48:11
ISBN: 9781959162179
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Strength from Struggle
This quote by Gypsy is a good one to meditate on, recalling what her grandma said about her own motherhood experience; “she tends to believe her own version of my moms childhood, kinda like my mom does about mine”. I attended middle school with Gypsy and JB, and know them both as amazing and caring people. Thank you Gypsy for writing this book.