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By Design Book 2

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J Boykin Baker
Hallie Ricardo
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Title Synopsis: Anne and Brad Young’s love for one another continues to blossom. The talented, young, southern designer inspires a depth of new emotions in the handsome surgeon as he finds her love for everyone in her path, a magnetic force he cannot resist. But...can he overcome his frustration with her independent ways?

Anne, on the other hand, finds Brad’s loving attention and boyish Southern charm irresistible as she takes on the challenge of his somewhat spoiled nature. Will their life together withstand professional demands, daily challenges, and the possibility of trust issues as they see their worlds so differently?

If you find it difficult to balance your life, work, and family in the turmoil of our modern culture, you are bound to resonate with Anne’s and Brad’s story. But take heart, finding balance may just be possible!

Author Bio: J Boykin Baker is an award-winning interior designer, best-selling author, speaker, and founder of a nonprofit which provides clean water to families in 32 countries and provinces, as well as areas in the United States. She grew up in the small town of Wilson, North Carolina. She knew from the age of seven, after seeing the old movie “Pillow Talk,” that the only career for her was interior design. After college, marriage, and babies, her dream of being an interior designer came true with the start of her own design firm in Atlanta, Georgia. As luck would have it, she just happened to be in the right place—at the right time—with the right look and ended up designing hospitals, corporate offices, and high-end residential projects across the nation. With humor, tears, and professional insight, she enjoys sharing her wide-ranging experiences on national television, radio interviews, and international speaking engagements. She was honored to be named one of North Carolina’s Women of Achievement. To learn more or contact her, visit

Title: By Design Book 2

Series: By Design Trilogy

Series #: 2

Author: J Boykin Baker

Narrator: Hallie Ricardo

Publisher: True Promise Press

Copyright: 2019 J Boykin Baker

Running Time: 09:58:17

ISBN: 9781959162582

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