Title Synopsis:
Abuelita's Magical Molcajete is a fun, magical, heartwarming romance, filled with delicious Mexican food and hope! The characters beam with sass, imperfection, wisdom, and love and will have you longing to connect with family and friends. It may also drive you to launch new cooking clubs where you'll spend countless hours making family recipes with multi-generational, cross-cultural friends and family, eat countless pink conchas and fluffy flour tortillas, host a tamalada, and purchase a molcajete. Marisol, our protagonist's twin sister, summarizes the story in the following paragraphs.
A magical molcajete, nine meddling ghosts, a grieving spinster, and fluffy flour tortillas in sunny San Diego are the main ingredients in this mostly true story of how my twin sister found true love after I, well, I died.
Dr. Maria Ybarra, my beautiful, 42 year old brilliant twin sister, was a hot mess after my fatal accident. She could barely teach her university classes, spoke to her dancing dogs non-stop, and saw no one socially but our big brother. He's also a brainiac plastic surgeon who stepped up to help her, but this job was even too big for him.
Maria needed heavenly intervention, and thankfully, my Abuelita and Tias took on her case. They have some impressive connections here in the afterlife and got clearance and approvals in record time. My Abuelita and Tias are sassy, tech savvy, sometimes ill-tempered, tequila drinking, cigar-smoking cooking divas, and they're unstoppable.
Okay, pour yourself a margarita, grab a pink concha or two, and put on salsa music. You might also need a few tissues, and Maria will take over from here and give you every juicy detail of her story.
Author Bio:
"Abuelita's Magical Molcajete" is a Molé Mama story, and she is a San Diego-based author, home cook, vlogger, speaker, and podcaster. Her most cherished kitchen tool is her abuelita's magical molcajete, which she uses daily. Her culinary training began when she was nine years old, on the day her mama asked her to help make flour tortillas. Crunchy tacos stuffed with creamy mashed potatoes are her all-time favorite taco and her most-viewed YouTube video with over 260,000 views. She grew up on a California dairy farm and has always loved cooking, hosting taco parties, and eating. Her first book, "Molé Mama; A Memoir of Love, Cooking, and Loss," is a love letter to her mother and shares the stories of how she perfected her beloved mother's recipes as she was dying. Readers swear they smell Sonora enchiladas, Spanish rice, mole, and other delicious Mexican food simmering in their kitchens as they read her book. It has received excellent reviews on Amazon and GoodReads. Molé Mama Recipes YouTube cooking videos and podcasts celebrate family recipes, cooking delicious meals at home, and adding love to every recipe. Along with her guest chefs, Molé Mama explores recipes and traditions from around the world and the stories that keep them alive. Most of her podcasts will make you hungry, and you may find yourself dancing in your kitchen to salsa music. Molé Mama reminds everyone to return to their kitchens and preserve their living and past ancestors' favorite recipes and stories for future generations. "We must preserve our cultures and not let those favorite recipes disappear forever. The common thread of every cherished family recipe is that they were homemade with love, and that's the real secret ingredient," says Molé Mama. For many home chefs, cooking is their preferred love language, and that's why we cherish their recipes. Their love has the power to transcend an ordinary recipe into magic!
Author: Molé Mama
Narrator: Aricka Parent
Copyright: © 2023 Molé Mama
Running Time: 09:44:57
ISBN: 9798989127726