Title Synopsis:
One of the best-known stories - and for some the best - of H. F. Lovecraft confronts the reader with both the then unexplored Antarctic and the origins of many elements of the Cthulhu Mythology.
Professor Dyer, a prominent geologist, learns that a scientific expedition will soon depart for Antarctica following in the footsteps of the journey he himself had made a few years earlier. In the hope of thwarting the expedition, Dyer decides to give a full account of the tragic events he had survived, this time omitting the passages he had kept silent about on his return for fear of being thought insane.
An ancient, alien civilization and its signs, well hidden behind the mountain range of the Mountains of Madness, emerge from the professor's narrative and the pages of the 6th book in the Answers of X series. F. Lovecraft, published by Acid Publications.
The novel In the Mountains of Madness was written in 1931, and in 2006 Guillermo del Toro wrote the screenplay for its film adaptation. And it may still remain a dream for him, but the latest reports say that there is a serious possibility that he will make it happen in collaboration with the Netflix platform.
Author Bio:
H.P. Lovecraft was born on August 20, 1890 in Providence, Rhode Island. He spent most of his years completely cut off from the world and the times in which he lived. He died in 1937 at the age of 47. He was a dedicated student of his town's antiquities and perhaps his background gave him the natural inclination that made him an Anglophile for life. His health in his early years was not very stable, so he spent them sheltered within the family, and this partial incapacity allowed him to read all the time. As a result, the sensitive, dreamy child very early on created a strange world of his own, haunted by the creatures of his imagination. Much of his fiction belonging to the realm of the supernatural developed from this world. From a very young age he gave evidence of his poetic ability and at the age of 15 he wrote his first short story. Lovecraft as a child was shy while as an adult he was distant, almost reclusive. He was tall, thin and usually pale, although he had bright and very lively eyes. His jaw protruded. His character was gentle. His conversation revealed a surprisingly rich vocabulary and an immediate use of words, a fact quite evident in his novels. In the two decades alone that his writing life spanned, Lovecraft became a master of the macabre, and in his time there was no equal in America. He began writing early but failed to get anything published in any widely circulated magazine. Having British ancestors, his literary influences were British rather than American - Arthur Machen and Lord Dunsany in particular - rather than the American ones of the Gothic tradition of Poe. Lovecraft's works were never published on a large scale during his lifetime, and only one short novel appeared printed and bound by an amateur but enthusiastic publisher.
Author: H. P. Lovecraft
Narrator: Nana Palaitsaki
Publisher: Auvril Audiobooks
Running Time: 5:52:16
ISBN: 9789604368884