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Audiobook FAQ

How do I purchase an audiobook?

You can browse audiobooks by category or search for the audiobook you want. When you select the audiobook you want to purchase, click “Add to Cart”. You will be asked to log-in or sign-up for a free Lantern Audiobooks account. Once you’re signed in, you can purchase and download your audiobook. You can listen to the audiobook with the media player of your choice on your computer or use an audiobook app on your mobile device.

If you are having trouble with downloading your audiobook, please email for assistance.

Can I use Lantern Audiobooks titles on my mobile device? 

You can download your favorite audiobooks from on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, and other Internet-connected devices. You will need to be connected to wifi or use data to download, so check with your mobile provider to find out more about your data plan.

Why haven’t I received a confirmation email or any other emails from Lantern?

First, please check your Spam or Junk folders in your email. If you see an email from Lantern there, please mark that email as “Not Spam”, “Safe”, or click “Move to Inbox”. Next make sure that you’ve added to your address book. If you are still having problems, please email

Will my account work outside of the United States?
If you are travelling outside of the U.S. or Canada, make sure to purchase and download the audiobooks you want to listen to as you travel before you leave. If you live outside of the U.S., you may still be able to download audiobooks, but only those for which we have World-rights. For some audiobooks, we only have the rights to sell them in North America, so you will be unable to purchase those. 
Why can't I complete my audiobook purchase?

If you are having difficulty completing your purchase, there could be an issue with your payment information. If you are outside of the United States, the audiobook you are trying to purchase may not be available in your country. Please email if you are having trouble.

Can Lantern turn my book into an audiobook? 

Yes, we would love to help you make your book available in audio. Click here for more information about what we do or just send us an email at

Does your audiobook file format work for me?

When you download an audiobook from Lantern, you will receive it as a M4B file. M4B is the file format preferred by many audiobook readers such as Apple Books, iTunes, and Audible. M4B is used most often associated with the Apple iOS. If you are having trouble using the file on an Android device we suggest using an audiobook reading app such as either Sirin Audiobook Player or Smart Audiobook Player. If you prefer to use an MP3 version of the audiobook, please contact us at to request the alternative file format.

For more information please don't hesitate to contact us. We love meeting new people.

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