About Lantern Audio Tours

For museums, visitor attractions, and exhibits searching for an experienced partner with best-in-class capabilities, Lantern Audio Tours delivers the most effective mobile tour solutions. From collaborative conception through script writing and production, all the way to technology and operations support, we provide comprehensive service to meet each experience’s unique needs. With over twenty years of experience within the mobile tour industry, we offer our clients and their visitors our compelling storytelling expertise, content creation, reliable hardware solutions, and operations support.
Recent projects have included hardware and original production for the permanent collection and temporary exhibitions at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Spanish tour production at the Whitney Museum of American Art, docent tour hardware at the Denver Art Museum, Naples Botanical Gardens and the Olbrich Botanical Gardens, in-gallery audio production for the Peabody Essex Museum, translations for the Bronx Historical Society and the NY State Parks, new English and Spanish production for the United States Botanic Garden, and the introduction of audio tours at the Philadelphia Flower Show, Philadelphia Photo Arts Center, and the historic Hotel del Coronado.
Our Approach
We make the highest quality audio and multimedia tour experiences available to everyone through our signature, high-touch service and our extensive experience with content creation, hardware solutions, and on-site operations.
Solar theme designed by epicShops